9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Monday and Wednesday
With Melissa Summit
Beginning May 6, Woven Yoga will hold space for our friends who participate in the Silver Sneakers program. Local fitness instructor Melissa Summit will be leading the class and program designed for “boomers and beyond.” Those who have a Silver Sneakers benefit package through their medical insurance will be able to participate for free; those who will be dropping in can pay Melissa the $3 per class fee or invest in a punch card of 10 classes for $25. These fees are paid directly to Melissa. Woven Yoga is the location, not the host of the program.
Because reciprocal relationships work a special magic, active members of Woven Yoga are welcome to attend these classes for free.
There is no pre-registration for Silver Sneakers in fitDegree – Melissa will take care of all waivers, payment and attendance when you arrive at class.